Yearbook for Traditional Music. Vol. 13 (1981)
General Editor:
Norma McLeod
Table of Contents
- ‘Guido Adler's "The Scope, Method, and Aim of Musicology" (1885): An English Translation with an Historico-Analytical Commentary’ by Erica Mugglestone and Guido Adler
- ‘'Flow like a Waterfall': The Metaphors of Kaluli Musical Theory’ by Steven Feld
- ‘Paroles d'informateurs et propos de musiciens: quelques remarques sur la place du discours dans la connaissance de la musique’ by Jean-Jacques Nattiez
- ‘Musik und Sprache in intermodaler ästhetischer Kommunikation’ by Doris Stockmann
- ‘The Deep Structure of Ukrainian Hardship Songs’ by Paula Prociuk
- ‘Survivals of Turkish Characteristics in Romanian Musica Lautareasca’ by Robert Garfias
Book Reviews
- Les chants dans l'épopée tibétaine de Ge-sar d'après le Livre de la Course de Cheval: Version chantée de Blo-bzaṅ bstan-'jin by Mireille Helffer. Review by Ter Ellingson
- Musics of Many Cultures: An Introduction by Elizabeth May. Review by Lois Ann Anderson
- Two Dance Collections from Friesland and Their Scotch, English and Continental Connections by Joan Rimmer. Review by Wiegand Stief
- Das Heldenlied auf Island by Halgrímur Helgason. Review by Wiegand Stief
- Navajo Blessingway Singer: The Autobiography of Frank Mitchell, 1881-1967 by Charlotte J. Frisbie; David P. McAllester. Review by Charlotte Heth
- The Old Songs of Skye: Frances Tolmie and Her Circle by Ethel Bassin; Derek Bowman. Review by V. S. Blankenhorn
- The Bauls of Bangladesh by Anwarul Karim. Review by Charles Capwell
- Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology by James Porter. Review by Ruth M. Stone
- The Music of Lombok: A First Survey by Tidman Seebass. Review by Hardja Susilo
- Sound-Producing Instruments in Traditional Society: A Study of Esoteric Instruments and Their Role in Male-Female Relations by Kenneth A. Gourlay. Review by Vida Chenoweth
- Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis by Erich Stockmann. Review by Christian Ahrens
- Den samiska musikkulturen, en källkritisk översikt by Karl-Olof Edström; Joiken aus Norwegen by Andreas Lüderwaldt. Review by Inger Stenman
Briefly Mentioned
- Alle, Alle, Alle by Olive Lewin. Review by BC
- Folk Dance Directions. Review by BC
- A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English by Edith Fowke; Carole Henderson Carpenter. Review by BC
- Le Folklore de saint Hubert by Commission Royale Belge de Folklore (Section Wallonne). Review by BC
Record Reviews
- Inde/Musique tribale du Bastar by Geneviève Dournon. Review by Tran Quang Hai
- Bengale/Chants des fous by Georges Luneau. Review by Tran Quang Hai
- The World of Peking Opera by Japan Foundation. Review by Tran Quang Hai
- Musical Voices of Asia/Asian Traditional Performing Arts 1978: Burma, India, Iran, Mongolia, Japan. Review by Tran Quang Hai
- Inde du Nord by Hubert de Frayssaix. Review by Tran Quang Hai
- Music of the Kenya and Modang in East Kalimantan, Indonesia by I. Made Bandem; N. Revel-MacDonald; José Maceda. Review by Tran Quang Hai
- Giava/Java by Anne Caufriez; Michel Plumley. Review by Tan Quang Hai
- Chants liturgiques des églises orientales/Florilège des chants maronites by P. Louis Hage; Chants liturgiques des églises orientales/Chants syriaques de l'église maronite by P. Louis Hage. Review by Jacques Cheyronnaud
- Greek-Jewish Musical Traditions by Amnon Shiloah. Review by Edith Gerson-Kiwi
- Authentika Mikrasiatica [Greek Folk Songs from Asia Minor] by Melpo Merlier; Markos Dragoumis. Review by Annie Goffre
- ‘Corrigenda to Volume 12: Le cont-chanté comme lieu d'accumulation d'un savoir musical’ by N. McL.