International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

ICTMD National Committee for Italy

Following the ICTM Statutes, the ICTM Italy National Committee endeavours to spread a knowledge of the Council's activities and to further its interest, providing a forum in which Italian scholars may share and debate their works.

To this purposes, the Commettee organises academic meetings, publications and other initiatives both in Italian and English languages. Furthermore, collaborations with colleagues from neighbouring and other areas are encouraged.

Currently, the Committee’s chair is Sergio Bonanzinga.

Italy National Committee - Meeting 2018

Incontro annuale del Comitato Italiano dell’International Council for Traditional Music
Roma-Anagni (FR) 20-21 aprile 2018



Venerdi 20 aprile Roma – Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Aula Moscati, via Columbia 1

Ore 15:00 Saluti introduttivi

Conference of the ICTM Italy National Committee 2017

Incontro annuale del Comitato Italiano dell’International Council for Traditional Music Palermo-Mussomeli (CL) Palermo-Mussomeli (CL) - 24-26 Marzo 2017



Venerdì 24 marzo. Palermo, Museo delle Marionette (P.zza A. Pasqualino)

MIcromusic - Macromusic, report of the IICMS Seminar in Venice (by Claudio Rizzoni)

On January 29-31, 2016, the Intercultural Institute for Comparative Music Studies (Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice) organized the first edition of the yearly IICMS Seminars: Music (and Musicologies) in the 21th Century, conceived by its coordinator – and director of IICMS – Giovanni Giuriati as a prosecution of the International Seminars in Ethnomusicology, coordinated by Francesco Giannattasio from 1995 to 2015.

Conference of the ICTM Italy National Committee 2015

The 2015 Conference of the ICTM Italy National Committee was held from 29-30 September in Venice, at the IISMC (Istituto Interculturale di Study Musicali Comparati – Intercultural institute of comparative music studies), Fondazione Cini, Isola di San Giorgio.

Anthropology and Music (Seminars in Palermo)

Giovedì 9 aprile si apre un ciclo di seminari dal titolo “Antropologia & Musica”, curato da Sergio Bonanzinga (docente presso il Dipartimento Culture e Società dell’Università di Palermo) con la collaborazione del Museo Internazionale delle Marionette “Antonio Pasqualino”, che ospita anche gli eventi in programma.

Conference of the ICTM Italy National Committee 2014

The next national meeting of the Italy National Committee will be held in Rome, January 17, 2015, at the University of Roma-Tor Vergata (Aula Sabatino Moscati Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia – Edificio B, piano I, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” Via Columbia 1 00133 Roma)

Collective volume

 The Italian Committee of ICTM promotes a collective volume in English on the topic Making ethnomusicology at the time of Youtube 

Joint Meeting 2013

ICTM Joint Meeting: Austria, Italy and Switzerland 
