International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Final Programme - 14th Symposium of the ICTM Mediterranean Music Studies Group

14th Symposium of the ICTM Mediterranean Music Studies Group

Music, Bridges, Passages: Towards a Mediterranean paradigm?

Musiques, ponts, passages: vers un paradigme méditerranéen ?

Marseille, Fort St Jean, MUCEM, June 26-30 2023

Monday June 26


Coffee and tea, Fort Saint-Jean, MUCEM, Marseille


Opening welcome from the MMSTG Chair Ruth Davis, from the Head of MucemLab                                            Aude Fanlo and from the 14th Symposium co-Chairs Olivier Tourny and Séverine                                                Gabry-Thienpont




Panel 1 – History of migratory movements in the Mediterranean (I)

Chair session : PALOMA ELBAZ Vanessa, University of Cambridge


COHEN Judith, York University

Yendome para Marsilya: Marseille and other Mediterranean cities in Judeo-Spanish songs


MESSEDER Gabrielle, City, University of London

Brazilian musical encounters in ‘Golden Age’ Beirut


EL SHAWAN CASTELO BRANCO Salwa, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Bridges and Passages. Italian Musicians in Cosmopolitan Cairo


TAWFIK Kawkab, IFAO/Cedej Cairo

Musical memories of slavery, colonial and class subjugation in Egyptian zār




Panel 2 – Influences and musical transfers through the ages

Chair session : COHEN Judith, York University


ORTS-RUIZ Francesc, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

When the other is the neighbor. Mudejar and morisco performers in urban celebrations in medieval and early modern Iberia.


KLEBE Dorit M., Chair Germany ICTM

Cultural transfer of songs by Turkish âşık minstrels - an early document by the monk Bartholomeo Georgeviz, 1558, Lugdunum [Lyon]


PRIMORAC Jakša, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb

Following the trace of one influential historical sound in the Northern Mediterranean




Panel 3 – About Nostalgia, Exile & Feeling

Chair session : DAVIS Ruth, University of Cambridge


CHTATOU Mohamed, Université Internationale de Rabat

Moroccan Jewish Music. A link to the past and a bridge to the future                                  


WEBSTER-KOGEN Ilana, SOAS University of London

Theories of Exile and Moments of Intensity in North African Torah Chanting


PITTAKA BIELENBERG Aliosha, University of California, Berkeley

Thinking about Music and Tradition in Cyprus


Tuesday June 27


Panel 4 – Encounters and artistic, literary and musical works

Chair session : to be confirmed


DAVIS Ruth, University of Cambridge

Crossings and checkpoints: navigating multiple paths to Jerusalem at the festival of the Ghriba, Tunisia


MOURGOU Alexandra, University of Thessaly

Imaginary geographies of rebetiko. Representations from the eastern Mediterranean to the urban spaces of deviation


LEVAUX Christophe, Sapienza Università di Roma

Sur les ponts et les frontières entre musiques savante et populaire. Le cas de l’avant-garde musicale à Rome  





Panel 5 – The music through the lens of politics

Chair session: SECHEHAYE Hélène, Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles


EMERY Ed, SOAS University of London

The Songs of Sheikh Imam Eissa (1918-95) and Ahmed Fuad Negm  (1929-2013)                

GABRY-THIENPONT Séverine Idemec/Aix-Marseille Université et PUIG Nicolas, URMIS IRD

Traversées générationnelles dans les musiques égyptiennes : ruptures, passages, continuités




Panel 6 – History of migratory movements in the Mediterranean (II)

Chair session : TOURNY Olivier, IDEMEC, CNRS-Aix-Marseille Université


EVERETT Samuel Sami, University of Cambridge & IMERA, Aix-Marseille Université

            ‘Zouj’: Dialogical Interactions in Judeo-Arab maghribi popular music


WASSERMAN Simona, Israel Open University

Embarking on a Mediterranean Journey: The Case of the Jerusalem Orchestra East and West


DOĞUŞ VARLI Özlem, Bursa Uludag University State Conservatory Turkish Music and        Ethnomusicology

Gastroethnomusicological Soundscapes from Mediterrenean Cultures                                 




Panel 7 – Musical performances in a transnational context

Chair Session: EVERETT Samuel Sami, University of Cambridge & IMERA, Aix-Marseille Université


BACHIR-LOOPUYT Talia, Université de Tours (visio-conférence)

From Global History to local ethnographies: exploring (dis)connections in the field of arab-oriental music in France                                                                                                             

OUERTANI Abderraouf, Centre Georg Simmel, EHESS

Récurrence de la thématique de la frontière chez des musiciens arabes en migration en Europe : entre symbolique politique et réalité musicale                                                                                            

SECHEHAYE Hélène, Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles & AMEZIAN Laïla, Halfmoon asbl

The Art of Bridging Audiences: Performing Moroccan Ša'bi Music in Brussels Weddings   


Wednesday June 28



Panel 8 – The stakes on NTCI on music

Chair Session: PUIG Nicolas, URMIS IRD


EREZ Oded, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (videoconference),

Jews and Arabs in the Time of TikTok: the case of Palestinian Daḥḥiyya                                


RIJO LOPES DA CUNHA, Maria M., University of Copenhagen

DJs, Influencers and Businessmen: the gendered economies of independent music in Kuwait


MAGARO' Francesco, Rende, Italia

A matter of style. Perspectives of analysis in the performance of an oral tradition song in the Internet age: Matajola by Pino De Vittorio                                                                      





Panel 9 – Life and background of musical instruments

Chair session : to be confirmed


WEISS Kira, University of California Santa Barbara

Bridges and Strings: Determining the Role of the Cello in Egyptian al-Mūsīqā al-‘Arabiyya (1920s–2020s)                                                                                                           


MORRA Salvatore, Università degli studi della Tuscia

Bridging through Instruments, The ʿūd, Tunisia, and Zyed Mehdī                                              


ABDALLAH Tarek, CRTM, Université d’Antonine

La place des musiques traditionnelles authentiques en France : le cas de la musique arabe d’Orient




Panel 10 – Gender & Music (I)

Chair Session: LACOSTE Blanche, Université de Saint-Étienne


COHN ZENTNER Naomi, Bar Ilan University (videoconference)

Bridging the religious gap: classical music and ultra-Orthodox women in Israel                       


ANTONINI Sara, Sapienza, Sapienza, Università di Roma

Performing ‘Nagera’: ceremonial female music in contemporary Tunis                                      

CHUSE Loren, Independent Scholar

Flamenco/ Moroccan Musical Collaborations: Bridges to the past/Visions for the future





Panel 11 – Gender & Music (II)

Chair Session: to be confirmed


LACOSTE Blanche, Université de Saint-Étienne

Migration, Music, and Identity: An Ethnographic Study of Eastern Europe Women's Vocality in Rome 


WOOD Agibaïl, University of Haïfa

‘An eloquent tongue comes from God’: Bridging vocal worlds among Orthodox Jewish women in Israel


SALOIS Kendra, American University, Washington, DC

Shaking, Uprising, Collaborating? Bridging Aesthetic and Political Solidarities in the Nafada Project




Pre-concert video presentation


TOURNY Olivier, IDEMEC, CNRS-Aix-Marseille Université

Bruno Allary et la Cie Rassegna de Marseille : les passerelles musicales méditerranéennes pour ADN (in French with English Subtitles)


Evening concert (19:30), Cie Rassegna, L’éolienne music scene (downtown)


Thursday June 29


Panel 12 - Les disques 78 tours dans le monde arabe : Irruption du son enregistré et construction des identités musicales

Chair session : GABRY-THIENPONT Séverine, Idemec/Aix-Marseille Université


LAMBERT Jean, MNHN & AL-AKOURI Rafik, Center for Yemeni Musical Heritage

Les disques 78 tours au Yémen (1935-1960), et le rôle des maisons de disques locales dans l’appropriation de la technologie du son                                                                                      

BOUSSELAM Yassir, CREM, Université Paris Nanterre

Les enregistrements marocains du Congrès du Caire et l’évolution de la musique arabo-andalouse dans les années 1930                                                                                                                 

SAHHAB Ghassan, Université Antonine

Avec ou sans leviers ? La cithare sur table qânûn dans les enregistrements sur 78 tours en Egypte (1904-1934)     


SAID Moustafa, Université de Kaslik

Les premières compagnies locales de disques 78 tours au Proche-Orient : appropriation culturelle et circulations





Panel 13 – Preservation, transmission, creation

Chair Session: LAMBERT Jean, MNHN


BOË Caroline & ESCLAPEZ Christine, PRISM, Aix-Marseille Université

[CO S-A]/Corsica Sud-Archives ou Comment penser les liens entre tradition et création dans un territoire infra-insulaire                                                                                                             

SIMONNOT Joséphine, PRISM, Aix-Marseille Université

Corsica Sud-Archives: How to build a musical bridge between cultural heritage and today users


FABBRI Franco, Università Statale di Milano

Creating Mingheria’s Music






Panel 14 - Cairo Music Scene(s) since 2011: Between Political Activism and Cultural Change

Chair session: EL SHAWAN CASTELO BRANCO Salwa, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa


FULTON-MELANSON Jillian, York University

Creating Community through Cairo’s Record Store Culture                                                    

MOCH, Michal, IKSIOPAN, Varsaw

Tradition, Innovation and Memories of the Golden Age in Egypt. Between Hip-Hop and Avant-Pop


IBRAHEEM Dalia, Rutgers University

On Purity and Genre: boundary work and music value in making and appreciating mahraganat music in Egypt                                                                                                                                                        




Panel 15 - Histoire des circulations en Méditerranée (III)

Chair session : ESCLAPEZ Christine, PRISM, Aix-Marseille Université


ABOU HARB Areej, Université Lumière Lyon 2

La scène culturelle et musicale au Levant du début du XXème siècle. Une mobilité transfrontière levantine face aux défis de déplacement


KOKKONIS George, University of Iannina

Survivances des musiques enregistrées                                                                                   

ANAGNOSTOU Panagiota, EFA, ORDOULIDIS Nikos, University of Ioannina (visioconférence)

Musiques commerciales hellénophones : compagnies phonographiques et répertoires transnationaux



17:00-18:00 +

Study Group Business Meeting


Friday June 30


Panel 16 – Bodily involvement: Music, dance and the state of trance in the Mediterranean

Chair session : AUBINET Stéphane, University of Oslo


FRAYSSINET SAVY Corinne, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3

Dialogue en danse flamenca selon Yalda Younes et Israel Galván, altérité musicale et politique en Méditerranée



De la tarentelle à l’’asuf : un passage par le rituel thérapeutique °arbûn                                    

MCHIRI Faycel, Université de Tunis

‘El-Hadhra’ in Tataouine: A Musical Road to Spiritual Healing            


JANKOWSKY Richard, Tufts University

Music and Trance Across and Through the Mediterranean       





Panel 17 – Musical Realms

Chair Session : KOKKONIS George, University of Ioannina


FERJANI Samir, Université de Sousse

Authenticité et Diversité de la musique modale Méditerranéenne


AUBINET Stéphane, University of Oslo

Singing people to sleep and death: Inquiry from Norway to the Mediterranean            






Panel 18 - Bridges, Borders, Encounters: Musical Negotiations of Cultural Contact in the Western Mediterranean

Chair Session: JANKOWSKY Richard, Tufts University


PALOMA ELBAZ Vanessa, University of Cambridge

Festival of Andalousies Atlantiques and the Curation of Tradition and Desire                              

WILFORD Stephen, University of Cambridge

Travelling with Ya Rayah: Music, Memory, and Movement                                                      

MACHIN-AUTENRIETH Matthew, University of Aberdeen (visioconférence)

The Moroccan Flamenco Scene in Granada: The Micro-History and Cultural Memory of Mohamed Fadel Benyaich                                                                                                           

ZOUITEN Alaa, musician & PETZOLDT Eric, University of Cambridge

What’s after the bridge? Intercultural and Transcultural Approaches in Mediterranean Music Projects