A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
3rd Meeting/11th Congress of the ICTM Study Group for Music Achaeology
Joint conference of the Research Center for Music Iconography
City University of New York, The Graduate Center
The next meeting of the ICTM Music Achaeology Study Group will be at the Graduate Center of the City University New York, September 23-25, 2009. The conference topic is "Music Iconology and Instrument Making in Music Archaeological Research". Iconologists, ethnomusicologists, archaeologists, and instrument makers interested in cross-disciplinary research are invited. Researchers interested in attending the meeting are welcome to get in contact with the organizers Arnd Adje Both (adje@zedat.fu-berlin.de) and Zdravko Blažeković (zblazekovic@gc.cuny.edu). The deadline for submitting abstracts is May 1, 2009. A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in the International Journal for Music Iconography “Music in Art”.
Please check the Study Group's website and the RCMI website for updates.