A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
Held online on 5 March 2024.
Chair: Lee Tong Soon, ICTMD Secretary General.
In attendance (Study Group representatives): Audiovisual Ethnomusicology (Marija Dumnić Vilotijević); Indigenous Music and Dance (Shuo Niki Yang); Mediterranean Music Studies (Vanessa Paloma Elbaz); Music and Dance in Latin America and the Caribbean-LATCAR (Javier Silvestrini); Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe (Mehmet Öcal Özbilgin); Music and Dance in the Turkic World (Abdullah Akat); Music and Dance of the Slavic World (Ulrich Morgenstern); Music and Minorities (Svanibor Pettan); Music, Education and Social Inclusion (James Nissen); Musical Instruments (Gisa Jähnichen); Performing Arts of Southeast Asia-PASEA (Christine May Yong, Made Mantle Hood); Sacred and Spiritual Sounds and Practices (Irene Markoff); Sound, Movement, and the Sciences-SOMOS (Lara Pearson); Sources and Archives for Music and Sound Studies-MUSA (Gerda Lechleitner, Susana Sardo). Also attending: Pettan also attending in his capacity as Chair of the Executive Board Committee for Study Groups.
The meeting followed the attached agenda.
Lee introduced the way by which the Secretariat can assist Study Groups in running their elections, outlining the following steps:
The Study Group solicits proposals for nominations for candidates for every position up for election (e.g., Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary). At least 2 and no more than 3 candidates are preferred for each position. This stage usually lasts a month.
The Study Group sends the Secretariat a list with all Study Group members (full names and emails) in Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers format.
The Study Group sends the Secretariat the candidates running in the election, including full names, profile pictures, bios, and platform statements (i.e., what they will do if elected)
The Secretariat checks that members and candidates are eligible to vote/run, by cross-referencing them with the database of ICTMD members in good standing.
The Secretariat returns the list with checked memberships to the Study Group, specifying those who are not members and therefore are not eligible to vote. Some time can be allotted afterwards for a renewal campaign to be conducted by the Study Group.
The Secretariat conducts the electronic elections using the platform ElectionRunner. Eligible voters get a personalised email with a direct link to vote. The voting period usually lasts 2–4 weeks.
The Secretariat sends the Study Group a webpage (hosted by ElectionRunner) with the election's results, so that they can be communicated with Study Group members at their own discretion.
Lee explained how Study Groups can apply to the 2024 Study Group Allowance, which can fund participation in symposia. He detailed how the evaluation is handled by the EB Committee for the Maud Karpeles, Young Scholars, and Other Funds, and demonstrated the online application form and the application timeline.
Lee pointed out that the Secretariat asks the Programme Committee of the funded Study Group symposium to rank each received application from 1 to 5; this in turn helps the EB Committee for Maud Karpeles, Young Scholars, and Other Funds to make a better decision about funding. He added that a current membership is required to be eligible for application, and then invited Javier Silvestrini (LATCAR) to share his recent experience with applying to the Study Group Allowance.
Silvestrini considered that communications regarding terms and conditions would need to be improved, as applicants may not have full clarity. He suggested to have the terms and conditions "written out," and pointed out that the double-blind evaluation process for the grant application could be time consuming, and suggested considering adjustments to the application timeline with assistance from the Secretariat.
Lee replied that the Secretariat would work together with Study Groups on the application timeline.
Gerda Lechleitner (MUSA) suggested that the grant application should start earlier than in August, and enquired whether it would be acceptable for the Study Group's Chair, Co-Chair, and/or Secretary, in addition to regular members, to apply for funds. Silvestrini added that they had experienced a similar situation and therefore supported this proposal.
Lee clarified that all Study Group members, including Study Group authorities, were eligible to apply for the grants facilitated by the Study Group Allowance (as long as all other requirements would be met).
Irene Markoff (Sacred and Spiritual Sounds and Practices) enquired about the number of individuals typically funded for each successful application to the Study Group Allowance, and the contact person for inquiries about funding. Lee responded that the approximate number was between 7 and 10, and that the contact person was the Secretary General.
Lara Pearson (SOMOS) enquired about the rationale behind determining funding. Lee explained that rationale behind symposium-location-oriented-funding was essentially to stimulate research interest and encourage the development of new studies for that particular place.
Lee clarified that the current target funding amount per Study Group symposium was EUR 3000. In terms of allocation, he suggested that the EB Committee for the Maud Karpeles, Young Scholars, and Other Funds preferred supporting as many individuals as possible.
Vanessa Paloma Elbaz (Mediterranean Music Studies) enquired whether a symposium in Italy, for example, could be funded as a localtion not in the Global South, and what would happen if the funding for a particular year was retained. Lee responded that Italy or any other country would not immediately be ruled out from funding, and that the EB Committee for the Maud Karpeles, Young Scholars, and Other Funds would assess all received applications, case by case. He added that if a Study Group did not apply for grants, the funds would be carried over for the following year as part of the total amount, as it was not specified which Study Group did not utilize them.