International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

ICTM Study Group on Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia

Chair: Richard K. Wolf

Co-chair:  Brita Heimarck

Secretary: Natalie Sarrazin

The mission of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia is to foster the study of sound, music and allied arts in South Asia broadly conceived. We  encourage collaborative and comparative work with colleagues across the region and areas connected through geographical contiguity, diaspora, trade, and the internet.  We wish to promote the acts of doing and making—whether that involves performing, dancing, composing, drawing, or any other relevant form of participation—as integral parts of scholarly study.  We strive toward inclusiveness with regard to scholarly approaches and participation.

This study group will meet approximately every two years, generally in conjunction with another regionally defined group and in a variety of international locations.  All ICTM members in good standing are welcome to join and non-ICTM members will generally be invited to attend its meetings.


Call for Papers: Third Symposium of MAAGSA in Bangladesh July 11-13, 2024 (*Note new deadline: Feb 2, 2024)

The Third Symposium of the International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance (ICTMD) Study Group on Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia is scheduled to take place at the Department of Dance, Dhaka University, Bangladesh, July 11-13, 2024.  The theme of the Study Group meeting this year will be “The Climate Crisis and its Impact on the Arts.”  We encourage papers and panels that address this theme as well as a wide range of other issues concerning South Asian music and allied arts (e.g.

Call for Papers, Dec 12-14 2019, Colombo (May 1 deadline)

The Second Symposium of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Study Group on Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia is scheduled to take place in conjunction with the annual research symposium of the University of Visual and Performing Arts (UVPA) in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Dec. 12-14 2019.  The theme of the Study Group meeting this year will be “South Asian Music in the World.”  The keynote speaker is Frank Korom (Boston University).

Innaugural meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia

On March 4-6, 2016, Richard K. Wolf hosted a conference on the music of South, Central and West Asia at Harvard University with the intent of sharing work among researchers working in and beyond the bounds of South Asia and creating an ICTM study group. The conference was successful in attracting a wide range of topics and scholars with a variety of theoretical orientations and at varying stages of their careers.