A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO
The following is the message given by Helen Lawlor, Convenor of the Nomination Committee of the 2021 ICTM Elections, during the 45th General Assembly of ICTM Members, held online on 24 July 2021.
The Nomination Committee requested proposals for candidates to fill the positions of President, 1 Vice President, and 3 Executive Board Ordinary Members. As required by the appropriate guidelines we have presented multiple candidates for all of these positions:
Notification of election candidates was included in the Bulletin of the ICTM in April 2021. Candidate statements were published on the election website.
Candidates were proposed by National Committees or by two or more individual ICTM members in good standing. All proposals were eligible and in good order. We extended the date for nomination of president and re-circulated the notification. Thank you to the individual members and national committees for giving consideration to and nominating candidates in this election.
The third-party voting platform, Election Runner, was used again for this election. 660 votes were received: 55% of 1,195 eligible voters. This is the highest participation in voting since the standardisation of voting in 2005 to the present format.
The results of the election for 2021 are as follows:
We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of the members who stood for election. We are grateful of the commitment and time given by the current Executive Board members to the running of the ICTM.
Congratulations to the new Executive Board members and thank you to all nominators and nominees in the 2021 election.
Helen Lawlor (Convenor)
Cara Stacey
Marie Agatha Ozah