International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO


Tuesday, 22 January 2019

The January 2019 issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM is available for download

A new issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM (Volume 139, January 2019) is available for download, directly from the following links:

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

The October 2018 issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM is available for download

It is my great pleasure to inform you that a new issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM (Volume 138, October 2018) is available for download, directly from the following links:

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Submit proposal to the 45th ICTM World Conference

The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2018. Following evaluation by the Programme Committee, authors will be notified in December 2018. Only one proposal can be submitted per person.

 Submit your proposal now.

Thursday, 19 July 2018

The Yearbook for Traditional Music is moving to Cambridge University Press

The International Council for Traditional Music is happy to announce that from Volume 51 (2019) the Yearbook for Traditional Music will be published on our behalf by Cambridge University Press.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

The April 2018 issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM is available for download

It is my great pleasure to inform you that a new issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM (Volume 137, April 2018) is available for download, directly from the following links:

Thursday, 18 January 2018

The January 2018 issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM is available for download

It is my great pleasure to inform you that a new issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM (Volume 136, January 2018) is available for download, directly from the following links:

Thursday, 30 November 2017

The Yearbook for Traditional Music. Vol. 49 (2017) has been published

The International Council for Traditional Music is pleased to announce the publication of Vol. 49 (2017) of the Yearbook for Traditional Music, with the following contents:

Monday, 13 November 2017

Back issues of the Yearbook for Traditional Music discounted for members in good standing

Printed back issues of the Council’s flagship academic journal, the Yearbook for Traditional Music are available for purchase directly from the ICTM Secretariat. The Yearbook is a refereed scholarly journal which carries essays, reviews, and reports in the area of traditional music and dance research.

Monday, 16 October 2017

The October 2017 issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM is available for download

It is my great pleasure to inform you that a new issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM (Volume 135, October 2017) is available for download, directly from the following links:

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

The April 2017 issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM is available for download

It is my great pleasure to inform you that a new issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM (Volume 134, April 2017) is available for download, directly from the following links:
