International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

Memorandum on Honorary Memberships

ICTMD Statute 4 reads:

4. Membership

The membership of the Council shall consist of:

  1. HONORARY MEMBERS - Individuals who have made exceptionally distinguished contributions to the work of the Council may, upon recommendation of the Executive Board, be elected Honorary Members by the General Assembly of Members. Details on Honorary Memberships are provided in the relevant Memorandum.

This is the memorandum prescribed by the cited Statute 4 (a) and must be followed in proposing any member for Honorary Membership.


Honorary Membership is the highest honour that the Council may bestow on an ICTMD member. It is normally bestowed after the member has retired from an official position of responsibility in the Council. A member is not usually elected while she or he still occupies such a position as their contribution to the work of the Council is incomplete. The contributions to be recognised may include such roles as membership of the Executive Board (including Vice President and President), Secretary General, Editor or Guest Editor of the Council's scholarly journal, Study Group Chair, Chair of a National or Regional Committee, Convener of a Colloquium, Chair of a Local Arrangements Committee, Programme Chair, Editor of an ICTMD publication other than the Council's scholarly journal, and Convener of a Nomination Committee, and normally consists of several of these roles. Authorship of articles published in ICTMD publications (e.g. the Council's scholarly journal, Study Group publications) may also be cited as a reason for Honorary Membership, although scholarly contributions alone do not constitute sufficient eligibility.


  1. Any member of ICTMD may propose another member for Honorary Membership.
  2. The proposal should consist of a statement that begins: “I wish to propose [the name of the member being proposed] for Honorary Membership of the Council.” This should then be followed by an account of the member’s contributions to the work of the Council. The statement should be no more than 500 words. It should be signed by the proposer above their name printed clearly at the end of the statement.
  3. The proposal should be sent to the Secretariat at least 3 months before the next General Assembly. After checking the membership statuses of the proposer and the proposed, if the proposal meets the eligibility requirements the Secretariat will distribute the proposal to the Executive Board.
  4. The Executive Board will consider each proposal received and either recommend it to the General Assembly, or reject the proposal.
  5. Recommended proposals will be put to the next General Assembly for endorsement.
  6. After the General Assembly the Secretary General will write to each proposer to indicate the success or not of their proposal, and to each new Honorary Member to congratulate them on their election.

Established in July 2014 (Astana); revised in August 2023 (online) and August 2024 (online).