On appointment to the Programme Committee of an ICTMD World Conference there is an understanding that members have accepted the responsibilities and duties outlined below, and will be attending the next World Conference. It is expected that any member of the Programme Committee, including the Programme Chair, who cannot fulfill these duties at any time in the process will inform the Secretary General immediately to facilitate their replacement. The fulfillment of these duties is crucial to a successful World Conference and the viability of ICTMD.
These are the Guidelines cited in the ICTMD Memorandum on the organization of ICTMD World Conferences.
ICTMD Statute 10.1 reads:
10.1 World Conference
- A World Conference is held every second year.
The Executive Board determines the date, place, and format of the conference.
Details on the organization of ICTMD World Conferences and the activities of the Programme Committee are provided in the relevant Memorandum.
The Memorandum on the organization of ICTMD World Conferences reads:
2. Programme Committee
2.1. At the first opportunity after acceptance of the invitation, the Executive Board of the ICTMD appoints a Programme Committee (including a Programme Chair), which proposes the main themes of the conference to the Executive Board at least two years prior to the conference. The Programme Committee is responsible for the scholarly content of the conference, including the programme of papers, round tables, workshops, etc.
1. Programme Committee
Responsibilities and Duties
- Consult the ICTMD membership as widely as possible on the prospective themes of the World Conference. Normally this is carried out at the preceding World Conference, with a suggestion box in a prominent location.
- Once the themes are approved by the Executive Board, the Programme Committee should prepare a rationale for each theme, to be published in the Bulletin of the ICTMD with the 'First Notice' of the forthcoming conference.
- Call for papers with appropriate deadlines, instructions, and guidelines for submissions should be prepared and submitted for publication with the ‘First Notice’.
- The Programme Committee will evaluate paper proposals and notify all prospective presenters of the success or otherwise of their proposals at least six months prior to the conference.
2. Programme Chair
Responsibilities and Duties
- Co-ordinate the tasks of the Programme Committee (as outlined above).
- Meet with the Secretary General and the LAC Chair to schedule all paper sessions, plenary sessions, keynote address, roundtables, films, workshops, the opening and closing ceremonies, the General Assembly, the Assembly of National and Regional Representatives, business meetings of ICTMD Study Groups, and any other events within the conference programme. This will form the basis of the preliminary programme.
- Provide an updated preliminary programme for publication on the conference website.
- Prepare official conference documents including the Conference Programme and Book of Abstracts for approval of the Secretary General and publication by the LAC.
- Update the Programme on a daily basis, post notices for all delegates and oversee the smooth operation of the Programme during the conference.
- Report on the conference to the General Assembly.
- Provide a final list of Conference presenters to the Secretariat after the conference.
- While inclusiveness in World Conferences is important, the Programme Chair and Committee should also ensure that accepted proposals are of an appropriate standard for an international scholarly conference.
- To avoid last-minute cancellations and changes in the Programme, the Programme Chair should work with Local Arrangements to make sure that early registration is required for all paper presenters.
- Requests to change the day and time of presentations, other than in the case of emergencies or unavoidable circumstances, should be declined. Participants whose presentations are accepted should be advised not to make travel arrangements until the Preliminary Programme is announced, since their presentations may be scheduled on any day of the Conference.
- Members whose names appeared on the Programme but did not attend, other than in exceptional circumstances, will not be allowed to present at the next World Conference. The Programme Chair will compile a list of these names and share it with the next Programme Chair.
3. Guest Editorship
Normally, the General Editor will invite the Programme Chair to be the Guest Editor of the Yearbook for Traditional Music in the year following the World Conference. This volume will contain articles based on themes from the conference. The General Editor should consider the qualifications, suitability, and experience of the Programme Chair. This may result in a different appointment.
Established in June 2010 (St John's); revised in June 2016 (Limerick), August 2023 (online).