International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance

A Non-Governmental Organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNESCO

ICTM Study Group on Music in the Arab World

Chairing committee

  • Michael Frishkopf
  • Anas Ghrab


Hicham Chami

Advisory board

  • Ali Jihad Racy
  • Scheherazade Qassim Hassan
  • Nidaa Abou Mrad
  • Virgina Danielson

Email list (ICTM-AW):

NEMO-Online - reissues (vols 1 & 2)

The redaction of NEMO-Online is pleased to announce the reissue of NEMO-Online Vol. 1 No. 1 and NEMO-Online Vol. 2 No. 2&3 as individual articles / La rédaction de NEMO-Online a le plaisir d’annoncer une nouvelle édition de NEMO-Online Vol.

Call for Proposals for Individual Consultants: Amman, Jordan

The UNESCO Amman Office has launched a Call for Proposals for Individual Consultants to carry out a needs assessment on the state of preservation of audiovisual archives in Jordan. Further details are provided in the attached Call.

Scholarly activities in the Maghreb, December 2014

  • Le Centre national de recherches préhistoriques, anthropologique et historiques (CNRPAH) organise un colloque intitulé : Patrimoine musical de la Kabylie : contextes, fonctions et systèmes Béjaia : 13, 14 et 15 décembre 2014 (link to programme)

Your input requested: survey instrument to assess music vitality and viability

Please consider participating in the following survey, in support of a colleague's research project at the University of Newcastle.  See letter to Prof. Hassan below...

Dear A/Prof Hassan, 

New publications

Leo Plenckers:  Arabische muziek. Een overzicht van de geschiedenis en de hedendaagse praktijk Uitgeverij Bulaaq Amsterdam. Arab music, like its Western equivalent, displays a richness of traditions and genres. It does not only provide listeners and performers with plain pleasure but also arouses feelings of beauty and emotion. It plays a role in family circles as well as in public events. There is a wide range of performers of Arab music that varies from devoted amateurs to virtuous professionals. It also has many enthusiastic listeners.

The 7th Musicological Meeting of the Université Antonine (4 June 2014, Lebanon)

The Université Antonine (UA) - Higher Institute of Music (ISM ), in collaboration with The Arab Academy of Music (League of Arab States) & The Université Paris-Sorbonne, presents  The 7th Musicological Meeting of The Université Antonine: “Which Music Education for Lebanon? (2)” Monday the 2nd, Tuesday the 3rd & Wednesday the 4th of June, 2014 Father Louis Rohban Hall, Main Campus of the Université Antonine, Hadath-Baabda, Lebanon


Joint Symposium of the Study Groups on Maqām and Music in the Arab World (Ankara, Turkey, 17-21 December 2014)

We are glad to announce that by invitation of the General Directorate of Fine Arts of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Yildirim Beyazit University State Conservatory for urkish Music  of Ankara a Joint Symposium of the ICTM Study Groups  on Maqām and on Music in the Arab World will be held in Ankara, Turkey, 17-21 December 2014.

Report on the meeting of the Study Group on Music in the Arab World, Ba’abda, Lebanon, 20-21 March 2013

The ICTM Study Group on Music in the Arab World held its meeting on 20-21 March 2013 at the Antonine University in Hadath-Ba’abda, Lebanon in the frame of the annual meeting of its Higher Institute of Music, and jointly with it. The topic of the meeting was “The Situation of Music in the Arab World in the new Millennium”. 15 papers were presented in Arabic, French and English.
